Our commitment to giving back

Moneycorp is dedicated to improving lives worldwide.
Our charity committee organise charity events that take place in our offices across the world.
We also encourage employees to partake in challenges that centre around giving back to those who need it most.
This year alone we have raised £1000s, run hundreds of miles and baked many cakes in aid of many different charities, from 'A-sisterhood', an organisation dedicated to empowering women across the world to 'Support our paras' helping ex-servicemen and women after injury. Moneycorp supports causes and efforts where we believe the greatest good can be achieved.

moneycorp host charity trading day to raise awareness for injured and serving soldiers
We opened our doors to service personnel guests from Third Battalion of the Parachute Regiment, Chelsea Pensioners and Veterans who served in the Falklands, Iraq and Afghanistan. D-Day veteran, 95 year-old Jock Hutton, was among the guests raising awareness for national charity, Support Our Paras.

Raising funds for 'Support Our Paras Trading Day'
Moneycorp held 'Support Our Paras Trading Day' to raise funds to support soldiers and families of the elite Parachute Regiment. A number of Paratroopers who are serving soldiers and those transitioning into civilian employment as a result of medical discharge had a taste of life on the trading floor, with a number of our partners who joined us later for a great lunch at Jamie’s in Victoria, London.

Trading stories
In 2017, some of the moneycorp team, in association with City A.M., hosted a day for ‘Support Our Paras’. Support Our Paras is a charity which supports serving injured soldiers from the Parachute Regiment and their families. A number of injured paras arrived at moneycorp head office in London, Victoria to be greeted and paired up with corporate and wholesale dealers. They spent the day helping to answer calls. They also shared their experiences of serving in the Parachute Regiment with corporate clients who also joined for the day. The day was even more successful than anticipated as £50,000 was raised for the ‘Support Our Paras’ charity, whilst also raising awareness for this wonderful cause.

Free falling
A group of brave moneycorp employees took part in a parachute jump in aid of, ‘Support Our Paras’ The team were instructed and guided by the Red Devils Free Fall Team in Salisbury, Wiltshire. They experienced a tandem skydive, free-falling towards earth from 12,000 ft. Parachute deployed, the team mates enjoyed a five minute ride to the landing point. Once firmly on the ground, the team congratulated each other on a once in a lifetime experience and all for a great cause.

Let them be empowered
A company-wide bake sale saw moneycorp employees enjoying the culinary skills of bakers around the UK at a charity event in May 2018. Cakes were baked, brought and scoffed in aid of the brilliant charity, a-sisterhood. This organisation, based in the UK, aims to empower support and protect women worldwide.
Four moneycorp employees ran the London Marathon in 28 degree heat

The brave 4 ran in sweltering heat for two deserving charities
1 minute readSported is a charity which moneycorp has close ties with through one of their trustees, Alan Pascoe (a former UK hurdler). They are one of the leading Sport and Development charities in the UK who "use the power of sport to transform the Lives of disadvantaged young people and build stronger, safer communities."
Mind, on the other hand, provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing mental health problems by campaigning to "improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding."
With only a couple of weeks before the event was set to be held, the employees signed up to one of the world's most famous marathons, the London Marathon. With limited time to fully prepare and train, everyone did really well and completed the marathon in temperatures soaring to 28 degrees. 1 million water bottles were consumed by the 45,000 competing.